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Deadline to submit your abstract : August 29th


Abstract Topics :


– Certifications and Codes of Conduct – Standardization of privacy relevant documents

– Anonymization, pseudodymization & synthetic data

– Cybersecurity in healthcare

– Artificial Intelligence in healthcare & research

– Secondary use of health data

Abstract Instructions :


1 – The abstract should be sent by e-mail ( or uploaded onto the website :

2 – The abstract should be written in Word Format (95 or later).

3– Abstracts should be submitted in English.

4 – The entire abstract should be included within the format of one abstract (text to be included within the format of height 12,5cm (4.92 inches) and 9 cm (3.54 inches) and 250 words max.

5 – The abstract should be single-space, using Arial 10 point font, and must be fully justified. DO NOT use a smaller font, as the abstract will later be reduced to 70% of the size for printing in the abstract book.

6 – The abstract title (2 lines maximum) should clearly define the content of the paper. In the title use only bold capital letters and no abbrevations. Do not centre, start at the left margin.

7 – Type the author’s initials followed by familyname, title (MD, PhD, RN, Pod, Phys Ther) followed by the co-author.

8 – The email address box shouldbe filled in properly for correspondence purposes.

9 – Structure the abstract following IMReD (Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion)

10 – In case of support by a grant, please indicate the source of funding. Disclosure must be incated.

11- Charts or graphs should be inserted in the abstract (files from separate software cannot be implemented

12 – Number references (if any) in the order in which they appear in the text.

13 – Indicate the category ( topic) into which the abstract should fit in.

14 – Indicate your choice (poster or oral communication or no preference).