Update on New European Regulations and Guidelines on Health Data Protection


Chair: Pierre-Yves Lastic


This session aims to give an update on recent laws, regulations and guidelines issued by EU and national authorities to improve the protection of personal health data:

– In France, CNIL has carried out a public consultation to improve its Reference Methodologies on biomedical research. It has also put in place a team dedicated to the use of Artificial Intelligence, a technology now widely used in healthcare and medical research.

– At the EU level, the European Data Protection Board is working on new anonymisation and pseudonymisation guidelines

– Several national authorities are working on updating their regulatory framework to prepare the implementation of the European Health Data Space


After a short introduction of the congress, this 90 -minute session will begin with three or four 15 to 20-minute presentations:

  • CNIL representative (Anne Vidal? Manon de Fallois) presenting recent development of the Reference Methodologies in the health sector
  • EDPB representative (Gwendal Le Grand?), giving an update on EDPB guidance especially anonymization and pseudonymization
  • Representative(s) of the Belgian and/or Danish DPA presenting updates from their respective countries
  • This will be followed by a 30-minute question and answers session with the audience.